Why Homeowners Might Choose Fibre Cement for Home Renovation Projects

20 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Fibre cement refers to a type of board used for home construction, made with a mixture of cement and then certain fibers to make it strong and durable. These boards are constructed at a factory or production facility and then used for construction and renovation projects, and you can usually find them at home improvement stores or direct from the manufacturer. They are used for exterior walls rather than creating a stick-built frame which then needs the addition of aluminum siding or brick. If you're tackling a home renovation project and will need exterior walls, note a few reasons why you might opt for fibre cement versus any other choice.


If you live in an area prone to brushfires or wildfires, or that has any other increased risk of fire, you might consider fibre cement. The entire material is virtually nonflammable; only the fibres added to the cement are flammable and because they are mixed in with the concrete itself, they are very unlikely to ever catch fire or feed a flame. If a fire should meet your house from the outside or start inside the home, using fibre cement can mean not having your entire house burn to the ground. It can also mean having the fire simply die out once it reaches the fibre cement boards, as there is virtually nothing on or in the boards to feed the flames.


Cement itself is very durable; it holds up well against storms of all sorts, so your home's exterior is not likely to get dented and dinged from hail and other such potential damage as you might experience with aluminum siding when you use fibre cement boards. Fibre cement is also virtually maintenance free; you don't need to worry about patching chips on the surface as you would with brick and mortar.

Along with being durable, fibre cement is a poor host to pests. You're much less likely to see your home damaged by termites or to see mice and rats burrowing into your home's building materials when you use fibre cement.

Smaller profile

The composite material of fibre cement means that it actually takes up less space than a stick-built frame with brick or siding on the outside. This smaller profile can allow you more interior space without needing to extend the footprint of your home. To maximize room inside your home without sacrificing space in your outside area, fibre cement can be the best choice.