New Roof: How to Prepare Your Home

20 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog


If you have decided to install a new roof on your property, it is important that you properly prepare your home before the roofing contractor begins work. Below are some simple steps you can take to ensure that your home is ready for its new roof.

Remove objects from walls and ceilings

Removing the existing roof and installing the new roof surface on your home can cause vibrations. You should remove any fragile items such as light fittings, mirrors and picture frames from the walls to protect them from accidental damage.

Clear the outdoor area surrounding your home

Before the roofing contractor arrives, you should clear the outdoor area which surrounds your home. In order to gain access to the roof, the contractor will likely want to place ladders or scaffolding around your property. They may also set up a winch in order to transport roofing material up to the roof space. Clear any potted plants, patio furniture stacks of firewood and similar objects from around your home to create space for the contractors to work in.

Give your trees a trim

If you have overgrown trees in your garden, they may obstruct the roofing contractors as they attempt to carry out their work. You should have the trees trimmed back so the branches do not overhang the roof or the surrounding area. This will make it much easier for the contractors to build the new roof on your property. Tree trimming also has the added bonus of protecting the finished roof from damage caused by branches, twigs, leaves or tree sap.

Remove items from the roof

If you feel confident working at height, you can give the roofing contractor a head start by removing any items attached to your roof before they arrive. TV antennae, satellite dishes, guttering and solar panels should all be removed. This will create the space which the contractor needs to complete their work. If you don't feel confident climbing up ladders in order to remove these objects, it isn't a massive problem. The roofing contractor should be happy to remove these items themselves but it will extend the amount of time they need to complete the job.

If you are considering having a new roof installed on your home, you should contact a local professional roofing company for further advice about how best you can prepare your home before they carry out the work.